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Kalyani Estate, Sadar Bazar Satara, Satara - 415001, Opposite Zilla Parishad
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Opposite Zilla Parishad Satara
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of viewer recommend this business
Review |
Sep 10 2023
Really niceBest hospital in satara and and good team work..all doctors nature is very gentle and always ready to help...
Niramay Hospital And Research Center in Sadar Bazar, Satara : Here you will find details about - Niramay Hospital And Research Center, Sadar Bazar, Satara with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.
In Sadar Bazar Satara, Niramay Hospital And Research Center is listed under Hospitals. Niramay Hospital And Research Center is a good service provider in Hospitals. At Niramay Hospital And Research Center various mode of payment has been accepted like Cash, UPI, Card, Cheque, Internet Banking, Mobile wallets.
You can reach to Niramay Hospital And Research Center at Kalyani Estate, Sadar Bazar Satara, Satara - 415001, Opposite Zilla Parishad, Opposite Zilla Parishad, in Sadar Bazar, Satara. The contact number of Niramay Hospital And Research Center is 02162229158. Niramay Hospital And Research Center has been rated a 5.0 out of 5 from total 1 reviews.
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