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Survey No 511, Sadar Bazar Satara, Satara - 415001, Near LIC, Opposite Collector Office
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Opposite Collector Office Satara
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of viewer recommend this business
Review |
Jul 1 2023
Really niceGot knee replacement surgery done of my Mother in law last year and she is absolutely fine past couple of months ..she is now able to walk without any support and performs yoga as well.. Doctors are very supportive and are available 24*7 on call and visit twice. The nurse and Staff are too helpful and supportive..
Pallavi Sameer Ingulkar
Chaitanya Seva Hospital in Sadar Bazar, Satara : Here you will find details about - Chaitanya Seva Hospital, Sadar Bazar, Satara with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.
In Sadar Bazar Satara, Chaitanya Seva Hospital is listed under Hospitals. Chaitanya Seva Hospital is a good service provider in Hospitals. At Chaitanya Seva Hospital various mode of payment has been accepted like Cash, UPI, Card, Cheque, Internet Banking, Mobile wallets.
You can reach to Chaitanya Seva Hospital at Survey No 511, Sadar Bazar Satara, Satara - 415001, Near LIC, Opposite Collector Office, Opposite Collector Office, in Sadar Bazar, Satara. The contact number of Chaitanya Seva Hospital is 02162229777, 02162284232. Chaitanya Seva Hospital is established in 2001. Chaitanya Seva Hospital has been rated a 5.0 out of 5 from total 1 reviews.
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