Privacy & Policy


Connecting satara Committed to protecting the privacy of your (user) Personal information. This Privacy Policy describes how we maintain your data provided to us by you. The information received by us shall be disclosed, collected, used by us.

With the Privacy Policy you may know how to contact us if you have any additional queries about our management structure, and if you would like to place any request access to your personal information.

Personal Information shall be the information or a perspective in any form and whether true or not about an individual whose identity is perceptible or can reasonably be ascertained from information or opinion.

Collection of personal information

Connecting satara collects your personal Information only in lawful manner and with fair means, not in an unreasonably instructive manner.

1) Identifying and Contact Information (for instance: name, address, date of birth, educational qualification and e-mail address etc.)

2) Sometimes if necessary financial information. (i.e. card details etc.)

3) Other information such as IP address and Standard Log Information.


1) We may use your personal information for our research, marketing purposes and deliberate client analysis objective and other internal business purposes only.

2) If you are a search customer then only when your personal information shall be shared with our subscribers/advertiser and your deemed consent is to be provided for the same.

3) Connecting satara also maintains right to make available the personal information for any investigation or judicial process regarding any fraudulent act.

4) For enforcement of our policies, incase of any violation of any person’s right, property or safety or for claim respond, Connecting satara may disclose your personal information.

5) Under a genuine dispensation disclosure of information shall be made to the governmental or law enforcing agencies or our regulators.

6) We may also share your personal information with third party namely; Google, in order to serve das based on a user’s prior visits to the website.

7) Also with corporate affiliates in order to take a security over illegal acts.

Adapting, retrieving, expunction of information

Connecting satara provides you the ability to edit your accounts settings and your preferences accordingly, you can also see all related information and change of your accounts, you can also erase your personal information by making a review over it. If any Personal information is not available over Connecting satara then you can contact us, there may be a charge associated with such service provided by Connecting satara but the amount so charged will not exceed the prescribed limit of law. If Connecting satara does not require any information or any information that does not worth anymore then we can erase such information.

The motive behind retaining your personal information is only to resolve any disputes arise, in order to enforce our policies and in order to block any unwanted users. We maintain only that information as permitted by law.


We follow up a numbers of techniques (encryption, passwords, and physical security) in order to protect the security and morality of your personal information against any unaccredited access and disclosure.

The information transmitted over the internet shall not be considered or have any guarantee to be completely secure. We cannot provide any warranty regarding such information to be secure such information shall be at your own risk and security as well, We shall not made liable for that concerned information. As soon as any personal information comes under our possession, we will start up the procedure in order to protect such provided information by adapting various techniques.

Sensitivity of provided information

Connecting satara committed the confidentiality of personal information and liable to maintain its sensitivity. The users of Connecting satara should agree and accept that they have been well educated by Connecting satara that the information provided by the users may be use as publication, to all users of Connecting satara, of any information posted by them while using any specific features on our website.

Users may also agree and accept that the policy of privacy will be applicable for the use of all features whether existing and new.

Agreement of genuineness of and consequences from the posting of any personal information by users or by any other person shall be the sole liability or responsibility of the user.

Moreover, the users themselves waived that confidentiality of information on such features; they need to provide an agreement regarding that.

Voluntarily disclosure

It must be kept in notice that disclosure of personal information by the user need to be voluntarily. Connecting satara only collects information when a bona-fide grant of the user will be received.

If you wish not to disclose any of your personal information with us before completion of any registration process on our website or before availing any services offered on our website, you may abstain to do so, if you don’t provide information which is required to complete the procedure, it is possible that the procedure of registration would left incomplete and/or you will not be able to avail any of our services.


1) We may update or modify our privacy policies without providing any prior notice.

2) If you are our corporative customer, it is possible we may do not disclose your personal information via a contract.

Note: If you have any query or Concerns regarding your privacy policies or any sensitive information you may send us an email at Connecting satara

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