Call us (Tap number to call)
Guruwar Peth, Satara - 415002
Location / Landmark
Guruwar Peth Satara
Payment modes that we accept
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Palekar Bakery in Guruwar Peth, Satara : Here you will find details about - Palekar Bakery, Guruwar Peth, Satara with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.
In Guruwar Peth Satara, Palekar Bakery is listed under Bakery. Palekar Bakery is a good service provider in Bakery. At Palekar Bakery various mode of payment has been accepted like Cash, UPI.
You can reach to Palekar Bakery at Guruwar Peth, Satara - 415002, Guruwar Peth, in Guruwar Peth, Satara. The contact number of Palekar Bakery is 7798885834.
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