
Hotel Indu Agro, Samarth Mandir Road, Satara

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16/4, 301, Ambani, Satara Kaas Road, Satara HO, Satara - 415001, Nr. ZP School

Location / Landmark
Nr ZP School Satara

Facilities provided by - Hotel Indu Agro, Samarth Mandir Road, Satara
Chair space for waiting
24 Hour security

Payment modes that we accept

Cash, UPI, Card, Internet Banking

Established In

Since 2015

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - about Hotel Indu Agro, Samarth Mandir Road, Satara

Which is the nearest location or landmark ?

You can easily find Hotel Indu Agro in Nr ZP School Satara.

What are the mode of payment accepted here?

You can easily make payment via - Cash, UPI, Card, Internet Banking

What are the facilities provided here?

Chair space for waiting, 24 Hour security, etc.

More details about - Hotel Indu Agro, Samarth Mandir Road, Satara

Hotel Indu Agro in Samarth Mandir Road, Satara : Here you will find details about - Hotel Indu Agro, Samarth Mandir Road, Satara with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.

In Samarth Mandir Road Satara, Hotel Indu Agro is listed under Hotels and Restaurants. Hotel Indu Agro is a good service provider in Hotels and Restaurants. At Hotel Indu Agro various mode of payment has been accepted like Cash, UPI, Card, Internet Banking.

You can reach to Hotel Indu Agro at 16/4, 301, Ambani, Satara Kaas Road, Satara HO, Satara - 415001, Nr. ZP School, Nr ZP School, in Samarth Mandir Road, Satara. The contact number of Hotel Indu Agro is 7947298091. Hotel Indu Agro is established in 2015.

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